Metal Work and Policing Ground Loops

I took some time this afternoon to get the metal work completed (mostly) for the Source Selector Unit/Preamp. All the drilling is complete and everything is properly fit to the chassis. The only metal work left to do is four holes in the mounting brackets which need to be drilled and tapped. These four screws will hold the top plate in place and make swapping tubes easier.

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Line Level Isolation Transformers – A Lesson Learned

About a year ago my television display died and I was forced to buy a new TV. I had been using the Lacewood V2.0 amplifier for the sound system and, when I plugged in this new TV, it formed a bad ground loop with the amplifier, introducing a nasty hum. This was not an insurmountable problem. I simply dug through my parts closet until I found a little line isolator I had built about a decade previous for some project I was working at the time. I installed this isolator and the problem went away. But that’s not the end of this story.

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