The Color Preamp is Fully Assembled

I had thought that the coupling capacitors I ordered on Tuesday would not arrive until this Saturday. However, the gods of DIY decided to smile down upon me and the capacitors showed up in today’s mail delivery. In my opinion, two days from order to delivery is exceptional. I spent some time this afternoon with a soldering iron in hand and the Color Preamp is now fully assembled.

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The Color Preamp Tales of Woe

As you may know I’ve been waiting on components to finish my “Color Preamp”. I thought that I’d have my output coupling capacitors by now, but I was mistaken. It seems that my parts supplier, after promising to get the parts right out to me, spent three days trying to find the parts in their warehouse, then sent me a refund. But I thought I’d outsmarted them.

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Component Tolerances & Modern Manufacturing

Since I’ve been at a standstill waiting for parts, I’ve been going over my parts supply and getting things organized again. It seems we’re all constantly working against entropy. While doing this, my bagged and sorted capacitors reminded me of a short article I wrote back in 2013 about component tolerances. I’ve decided to reprint it here for reference.

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