Why Not to Use 6V6s As Preamps

This is a topic that rears its head periodically on vacuum tube forums and discussions. Just a couple of days ago I was reading a forum thread on preamps and someone threw out the suggestion of using a triode strapped 6V6 as a preamp tube. Now this is nothing new. I’ve been hearing this suggestion, on and off, for at least ten years. But using a triode strapped 6v6 (or any beam power tube) as a voltage amplifier is a poor idea which simply doesn’t hold up to technical scrutiny.

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Switching Amps and Getting My Brain to Pay Attention

Now that the color preamp is done (knock wood), I’ve been trying it out on different amplifier and speaker combinations. But there is a little issue. Unknown to most people is that your brain can really only hold onto an unadulterated memory for a minute or so at the very longest. Most of the time you’ve got less than about 30 seconds. After this interval your brain starts throwing out what it considers to be extraneous information leaving only impressions. And this is a big issue when attempting to make subjective comparisons.

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Not Quite Done

There are a variety of sayings, axioms, proverbs, or quips which could apply to me this afternoon. A few which come to mind include:

“How wayward the decrees of fate are”Vanitas Vanitatum – William Makepeace Thackeray

or this one:

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall”Proverbs 16:18

or just the simple axiom:

“It ain’t over till it’s over”Yogi Berra

In any event, it would seem that “Final Chapter” or no, I have one more post concerning the Color Preamp.

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